Sunday, September 4, 2011

Majora's Mask 3DS

Okay, for starters, this is my first blog so it probably won't be too good. Criticism is welcome, but don't hate just to hate. I will be posting things about the original so this won't be all new.

Majora's Mask 3DS. We all want it. Will it come? Who knows. Now, I don't currently own a 3DS, but I will shortly. The possibilities for this game however, are endless. I have played Ocarina of Time for 3DS and it is an amazing improvement. One thing we could look forward to in MM3DS would be more touch screen features, but somewhat more sophisticated, like having an item and mask section on the touch screen. I personally find it annoying to have to share masks and items all on the c stick. What I mean is that on one side of the screen, we could have, say, Giant mask, bunny hood, and Goron mask, while on the other side we would have Ocarina, Fairy Bow, and Eye of Truth. It wpuld certainly be easier to have boss fights where we could constantly switch masks while still shooting arrows at the enemy. Another addition, could be more uses for Fierce Diety mask form. Note that i am writing on my ipod, so i will
stop now and write again when our computer is fixed. Feel free to share thoughts so far.

UPDATE: i have a 3ds and will be on fixed computer soon.


  1. It is not bad just write majoras mask not mm cause mm can b anyting u shold like go onto wikipedia and hyperlink words

  2. Thanks! You're right, it can be confusing, so I'll work on fixing that. That part about hyperlinking to Wikipedia, is that allowed? I thought wikipedia pages could only hyperlink to eachother, not pages outside of wiki. I'll find out.
